This is a homepage for all sorter websites under, which handled by Ufal Salman. Sorter website is a website that allows you to sort a list of character based on your preference. These sorter websites are forked and based from execfera's Touhou sorter.

Available and active in development:

Arknights: Endfield Operator Sorter
Source Code (endfieldsort)

Ex Astris Character Sorter
Source Code (exastrissort)

(Better) Nijisanji Liver Sorter
Source Code (better-nijisort)

(Better) Hololive Member Sorter
Source Code (better-holosort)

Honkai: Star Rail Character Sorter
Source Code (starrailsort)

Zenless Zone Zero Character Sorter
Source Code (zzzsort)

Planned and work in progress:

These sorters are available in English and some of them in Indonesian. If you have any suggestions, you can visit the issues page on each sorter's source code repository. You can contact me at if you have any question. Want to support me? Donation is always available via Trakteer (Indonesia) or Patreon (International)